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Lesson Plans: Cultural Conflict: Lesson Plan: Dear Madame President

Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #1 (Time Maximum)
"I plan to visit your country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Connect Ideas and Evidence
  • Grades: 7–8
  • Time: Five 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select which elements of a country's landscape and/or culture are most appealing to them; identify appeals based on similarity to the student's home culture, vs. appeals based on difference or unfamiliarity; decide which countries they are interested in visiting; present the highlights of their countries of interest to their classmates, and explain their decision-making rationales; and write to the leaders of those countries expressing and explaining their interest.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Independent Work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #1 (Time Middle)
"I plan to visit your country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Connect Ideas and Evidence
  • Grades: 7–8
  • Time: Four 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select which elements of a country's landscape and/or culture are most appealing to them; identify appeals based on similarity to the student's home culture, vs. appeals based on difference or unfamiliarity; decide which countries they are interested in visiting; and write to the leaders of those countries expressing and explaining their interest.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent Work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #1 (Time Minimum)
"I plan to visit your country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Connect Ideas and Evidence
  • Grades: 7–8
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select which elements of a country's landscape and/or culture are most appealing to them; identify appeals based on similarity to the student's home culture, vs. appeals based on difference or unfamiliarity; decide which countries they are interested in visiting; and write to the leaders of those countries expressing and explaining their interest.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Independent Work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #2 (Time Maximum)
"I recommend you visit my country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Persuade with Logic and Emotion
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Five 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's landscape, culture, and economy are similar to elements in the US, vs. different from elements in the US; evaluate what benefit the leader of their chosen country might gain via a visit to the US; present their case informally to their classmates; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to visit the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #2 (Time Middle)
"I recommend you visit my country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Persuade with Logic and Emotion
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Four 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's landscape, culture, and economy are similar to elements in the US, vs. different from elements in the US; evaluate what benefit the leader of their chosen country might gain via a visit to the US; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to visit the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #2 (Time Minimum)
"I recommend you visit my country because . . .": Goodwill Ambassadors Persuade with Logic and Emotion
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, Greetings and Courtesies, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Religion, National Cuisine, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's landscape, culture, and economy are similar to elements in the US, vs. different from elements in the US; evaluate what benefit the leader of their chosen country might gain via a visit to the US; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to visit the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #3 (Time Maximum)
Proposing Trade Agreements: Persuasion via Recognizing Shared Benefits
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Five 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, National Cuisine, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's economy make it a compatible trading partner with the US; evaluate what benefit the US and the selected country might gain by trading with each other; present their proposals informally to their classmates; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to pursue trade with the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #3 (Time Middle)
Proposing Trade Agreements: Persuasion via Recognizing Shared Benefits
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Four 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, National Cuisine, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's economy make it a compatible trading partner with the US; evaluate what benefit the US and the selected country might gain by trading with each other; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to pursue trade with the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Dear Madam President: Letters to World Leaders #3 (Time Minimum)
Proposing Trade Agreements: Persuasion via Recognizing Shared Benefits
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Maps, Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, The People, National Cuisine, Points of Interest, Economy and Trade, The Business Experience, Government, Language.
  • Skills: Students read articles about countries around the world; select a country to study; identify which elements of a country's economy make it a compatible trading partner with the US; evaluate what benefit the US and the selected country might gain by trading with each other; and write a formal letter to persuade the leader of their chosen country to pursue trade with the US.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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